Properties & applications

200% higher pressure range

Due to its excellent mechanical properties, ECFTE allows a 200% higher pressure range than PFA. This provides users with more efficient processes and higher safety standards.

20% more efficient pipe volume

Thanks to its high mechanical stability, the wall thickness of the ECTFE has optimal SDR and is 20% more efficient compared to PFA. Thereby the system enables higher flow rates with equal or less space requirements.

85% faster assembly

The ECTFE components are securely connected in a few minutes using most advanced IR-welding technology. Compared to pipes made of lined steel, installation time is significantly reduced.

Your benefits at a glance

Maximum safety

For particularly demanding chemical applications, all system components, including jointing technologies, have been tested and confirmed under laboratory conditions. The influences of human error are minimized through the use of automated IR fusion technology.

Extremely reliable

Maximum reliability is achieved through the combination of material properties, tempered pipes, fluoropolymer expertise and extensive approval testing, including with highly concentrated chemicals such as H2SO4.

Long service life

Cost-efficient process control is achieved thanks to the many years of excellent chemical and temperature resistance. Lower initial costs compared to conventional alternatives and faster installation times reduce overall project costs.

Efficient pipe volume

Thanks to an optimum wall thickness ratio to nominal diameter (SDR), the superior mechanical properties of the ECTFE system enable particularly efficient processes with high pressure and flow characteristics.

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